The Lazy Surfer app is a digital surf log that helps you use your surfing data to make better decisions on where and when to surf. Download for free today.

What is Surfer’s Ear?

To put it simply, a surfer’s ear is the growth of bumps inside the ear canal which can trap water and cause ear infections.

What causes this?

Surfer’s ear is caused by exposure to cold water and air. In order to protect your eardrum from the cold water and air the bones in your ear canal will grow inward, blocking your ear canal. This results in water getting stuck inside your ear canal which can lead to infections. 

What can I do about this?

Protect yourself! Wear ear plugs! This is a real threat and if it is not taken seriously it can result in  small bone restructuring surgery which has happened to many surfers over the years. Bones that have been pushed to grow in the ear canal are operated on by a chisel, it is very uncomfortable and takes a few weeks to recover.

A study on 107 surfers came back with this result; “As many as 75.7% of the participants had some degree of surfer’s ear in at least one ear.”

Conner Coffin on Surfer’s Ear 

A product like SurfEars can help – it protects your ears from the elements the human body is not accustomed to. Take care of your ears now by using a pair of ear plugs. Once the surgery has been conducted, it doesn’t mean it can’t happen again. Exposure to cold elements makes surfer’s ear come back, and you don’t want to stop surfing, so go get some plugs! Stay stoked and healthy!