Feel like you’re not surfing the best waves out there? Getting skunked more than you’d like?
Lazy Surfer can help.

Lazy Surfer will send you notifications when current conditions are similar to a highly-rated session. So if you scored great waves at a point break last year, rest assured – Lazy Surfer is constantly checking to see if those conditions will reoccur.
You can modify when these alerts occur in the settings –

Daily Digest
Want to know what spots are going to be pumping today? Sign up for the Daily Digest!
Lazy Surfer will send you a notification every morning telling you which spots are going to be the best for the morning, afternoon and evening.

You can turn on the Daily Digest on the settings screen in the app.
Try Lazy Surfer PRO to see a 16-day forecast with personalized predictions!
Header image by Ryan Loughlin.